Share your untold story
For more than 20 years my passion has been to provide validation, support and counselling for partners of adults on the Autism Spectrum (formerly "Asperger's Syndrome")

Personal Counselling
Phone or online - $60 per hour
Please note that I only work with partners of adults on the Autism Spectrum. See https://www.aspia.org.au/find-a-professional for a list of ASD-aware psychologists/therapists who provide services for individuals on the Autism Spectrum, and for couples.
Group Sessions
Online for up to 8 participants at a time - topic-focused. $35 for a 2 hour session.
See "events" for dates and times.
Group Session Topics
Topic 1 - What's happening in my Relationship and what can I do?
For those seeking to better understand the ASD/NT relationship dynamic, and how they can better manage the negative aspects. More like the original support group concept, for those who are experiencing pressing issues and crises and still getting a handle on what’s going on.
This group will be held monthly for up to 8 participants at a time. Each one will have an opportunity to share their current challenges, and then as a group we will explore suggestions and strategies.
Topic 2 - In for the Long Haul
For those who already have a solid understanding of the relationship dynamic and have chosen to stay, but would like a regular time to check-in and de-brief.
This group will be regular, with the potential for creating an ongoing community to stay connected.
Topic 3 – In the Thick of it
For those who already have a good understanding of ASD, but are still raising children and need grounding and support around family dynamics.
This session will be semi-regular depending on interest, and could potentially create community for ongoing support.
Topic 4 – What’s happened to me?
For those who are ready to explore the personal impact on self, with the purpose of helping participants move towards recovering their sense of well-being and agency in life. The content of this session will assume that participants have a thorough understanding of ASD and how it firstly impacts relationships. This topic may be additionally addressed in the context of a retreat or full-day workshop which will be advised/announced in time. Expressions of interest are invited.
Topic 5 – In Two Minds – Do I stay or go?
For those who are exploring their choices and need a safe place to brainstorm ideas and options.
Held occasionally, depending on interest/need.
Topic 6 – What’s next? Closure and recovery
For those who’ve left or been left – making sense of what happened, re-entering normal society, and moving forward safely and healthily.
Held occasionally, depending on interest/need.
What is Asperger's Syndrome and how does it affect relationships?
Asperger's Syndrome is a milder form of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Many adults with Asperger's Syndrome are well educated, hold down good jobs, are married and have families. On the surface, although maybe seeming a bit "different", they appear to manage more or less normally. However, the experiences of partners and family members strongly indicate that many adults with Asperger's Syndrome struggle terribly with the intimate and constant demands of relationships, home life and the variety of changes that typical lifestyles involve.
Relationships can deteriorate as conflict increases and neither the individual with AS nor partners or family members possess naturally the knowledge or skills to understand or resolve what is taking place in the relationship and home. This leads to great confusion, frustration, distress, sometimes domestic violence and often marital and family breakdown. Due to the hidden nature of the difficulties, a general lack of recognition of Asperger's Syndrome in society and limited access to support and experienced professional help, partners can become isolated, developing the signs and symptoms of depression, demoralisation, low self-esteem and confidence as well as stress-related illnesses in the long-term.
It is my belief, and that of all of the members of our partner support group ASPIA, that with adequate information, support and professional guidance, along with the motivation of the adult with Asperger's Syndrome to accept guidance, these situations can improve. If the adult with AS will not consider learning about AS or accepting guidance, there is little hope for improvement in the relationship and the non-AS partner is encouraged to strengthen his/her personal support network and seek professional guidance about ways to alter expectations and responses within the relationship in order to reduce his/her own emotional distress. Partners of adults with Asperger's Syndrome may need additional support in relation to loss and grief.

Straight Talk for Partners
Is Common Ground Possible ?

Continuing my life's passion to validate, inform and support partners, my new book seeks to re-establish basic benchmarks and boundaries in relationships that are way off-balance.
I believe the principles presented in this book could equally be useful in any complicated and difficult relationship characterised by a lack of mutuality and reciprocity.
ASPIA's Handbook for Partner Support

This Handbook provides information and practical guides for partners of adults with Asperger's Syndrome (or traits of) based on 10 years of support group experience and educational opportunities. Includes many helpful lists and "dot" points, making it a favourite.

Who is Carol Grigg
I have a Diploma of Counselling (2011) and a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for “service to families affected by Asperger’s Syndrome” (Australia Day Honours List 2014).
Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (formerly Asperger’s Syndrome) and the way it conducts itself in relationships has been the journey of my life since the year 2000. I have attended countless workshops, presentations and support group meetings, having run ASPIA (Asperger Syndrome Partner Information Australia Inc (Sydney) for 20 years (2003 – 2023), and I have read and written endless material on the matter. Additionally, I am adding dimensions to my understanding constantly in the areas of trauma, attachment, inner child, spiritual abuse, religious trauma, loss and grief, narcissism, shame, etc …
I hold myself professionally accountable with regular professional development and clinical supervision, and I am registered with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT).
I passionately believe that connection with others who’ve lived it and “get it”, and the validation this creates, is paramount to restoring a sense of self, well-being and agency, which is why I continue to be committed to creating or linking partners with an ongoing support community where possible.

Upcoming Events
ASPIA Partner Support lunch get-together (Sydney)
Saturday 11 November, 1.00pm - 3.30pm
What's happening in my Relationship and what can I do?
Time and date to be advised.
In for the Long Haul
Time and date to be advised.
In the Thick of it
Time and date to be advised.
What’s happened to me?
Time and date to be advised.
In Two Minds – Do I stay or go?
Time and date to be advised.
What’s next? Closure and recovery
Time and date to be advised.